Yesterday, a disturbing video circulated widely online. It depicted Ukrainian MP Nikolai Tishchenko and possibly his associates involved in an altercation with a serviceman who was out with his young child. The public response was swift and condemning, with celebrities and media figures joining in to denounce the deputy's actions.
RBC-Ukraine (Styler project) compiled outraged comments from Ukrainian celebrities regarding the incident.
Details of the Situation:
The conflict occurred in Dnieper on June 20 between Nikolai Tishchenko and volunteer Dmitry Pavlov, known as “Son.” Tishchenko stated he was in the city to investigate reports of fraudulent activities by bot farms and call centers.
During Tishchenko's visit, an altercation erupted involving his security personnel, leading to the police initiating two criminal cases.
Alexander Teren's Reaction:
The new "bachelor" expressed strong disapproval of Tishchenko's actions on his Instagram stories. Alexander referred to the MP as a "cutlet" and asserted that individuals like Nikolai and his team have no place in society.
Vladimir Dantes' Response:
Singer Vladimir Dantes also reacted vehemently, using strong language to criticize the deputy's security team on Instagram. He labeled them as "damned devils" and stressed the need for national leadership to intervene in the situation.
Dasha Astafieva's Commentary:
Singer Dasha Astafieva swiftly addressed the incident on her Instagram stories. Her messages were succinct and resolute, urging followers to spread awareness and emphasizing that such incidents should not occur in the country.
Eugene Yanovich's Perspective:
Presenter and actor Eugene Yanovich sharply condemned the actions of Tishchenko's security team on his social media. Initially sarcastic in his remarks towards Nikolai, Eugene later used explicit language to underscore his disapproval. He referred to Tishchenko as an "Internet meme" and accused him of political impracticality, echoing the call for decisive action.
Ramina Eshakzai's Reaction:
In her Instagram stories, presenter Ramina Eshakzai labeled Tishchenko's entourage a "circus." She expressed a desire for those involved in the incident to face consequences and be removed from their positions.
"We need culture here, not the 'jackal express,'" Ramina bluntly concluded.
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