Trinity Parents' Saturday: according to tradition, this day predicts the outlook for the latter half of summer.

On June 22, Orthodox Christians observe Trinity Parents' Saturday, also known as Ecumenical Parents' Saturday. This day commemorates departed relatives and all deceased Christians, preceding the celebration of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity feast marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles fifty days after Christ's Resurrection, enabling them to preach in diverse languages and marking the birth of the Church.

Trinity Saturday rituals include prayers for all departed souls, including those who passed without forgiveness, such as suicides, who typically do not receive church funeral services. These prayers aim to ease the journey of Christians in the afterlife.

Customs and Practices:

Families traditionally attend church on Trinity Saturday to pray and light candles for their loved ones and all departed Orthodox Christians. They visit cemeteries to tend graves, adorning them with birch branches and flowers, symbolizing renewal and the Trinity. Giving alms and performing acts of kindness in memory of the deceased are also customary ways to honor their memory.

The day is spent with family around a table, reminiscing about departed relatives with fond memories and sharing Lenten dishes. It is a time to celebrate their lives joyfully rather than mournfully.

However, noisy parties with excessive alcohol consumption are discouraged, along with swearing, lying, or engaging in heavy physical labor or idleness. In old Russian tradition, it was believed that deceased relatives might appear in dreams on the night of Trinity Parents' Saturday, offering guidance.

Weather Signs:

According to folklore, weather signs on Trinity Saturday are believed to foretell future events:

- A rainbow signifies health within the family.

- Rain suggests a plentiful harvest of mushrooms and berries.

- Dry, hot weather predicts drought and potential crop failure.

- Heavy dew indicates early frost conditions.


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