in general, is likely to evolve in several exciting directions:

1. **Improved Natural Language Understanding**: Future versions of ChatGPT will likely have even better capabilities to understand and respond to human language. This could include understanding nuances, context, and even emotions in conversations.

2. **Enhanced Personalization**: ChatGPT could become more personalized, adapting its responses based on individual user preferences, history, and needs. This could lead to more engaging and effective interactions.

3. **Multi-modal Capabilities**: Integrating text with other modalities such as images, videos, and audio could enhance ChatGPT's ability to provide richer and more contextually relevant responses.

4. **Deeper Domain Expertise**: ChatGPT might become more specialized in various domains, providing expert-level knowledge and assistance in specific fields such as medicine, law, engineering, etc.

5. **Improved Interaction and User Experience**: Future versions could offer more interactive features like better memory of past interactions, proactive suggestions, and more natural dialogue flows.

6. **Ethical Considerations**: There will be continued focus on ensuring ChatGPT behaves ethically, respects user privacy, and avoids biases in its responses.

7. **Integration into Everyday Life**: As AI technology advances, ChatGPT could become seamlessly integrated into various devices and applications, providing assistance and information wherever needed.

8. **Collaborative and Assistive Roles**: ChatGPT may increasingly work alongside humans in collaborative environments, assisting with tasks, decision-making, and information retrieval.

9. **Continual Learning and Adaptation**: Future versions might have the ability to learn continually from new data and user interactions, improving over time and staying relevant in a rapidly changing world.

10. **Innovation in Content Creation**: ChatGPT could be used creatively in content creation, helping writers, designers, and developers generate ideas, drafts, and solutions.

Overall, the future of ChatGPT holds promise for more intelligent, responsive, and helpful interactions, enhancing its utility across various applications and industries while evolving to meet the evolving needs and expectations of users.

The future of ChatGPT, and conversational AI

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The future of AI holds great promise and potential across various domains. Here are some key aspects of what the future might hold for AI:

1. **Advanced Automation**: AI will continue to automate repetitive tasks across industries, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

2. **Enhanced Decision-Making**: AI algorithms will become more sophisticated, aiding humans in making better decisions by processing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately.

3. **Personalization**: AI will enable highly personalized experiences in fields like healthcare, education, and retail, tailoring services and products to individual needs and preferences.

4. **Ethical AI**: There will be a growing emphasis on developing AI systems that are fair, transparent, and unbiased, addressing concerns around privacy, security, and societal impacts.

5. **Human-AI Collaboration**: AI will increasingly work alongside humans, augmenting our capabilities rather than replacing jobs entirely. This collaboration will lead to new job roles and opportunities.

6. **Advancements in Research**: Breakthroughs in AI research, including areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning, will continue to expand the possibilities of what AI can achieve.

7. **AI in Healthcare**: AI will play a crucial role in personalized medicine, drug discovery, and diagnostics, potentially revolutionizing healthcare delivery and outcomes.

8. **Environmental Impact**: AI can contribute to solving global challenges such as climate change through applications in energy efficiency, resource management, and environmental monitoring.

9. **4Regulation and Governance**: There will be a need for robust regulation and governance frameworks to ensure responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

10. **AI in Education**: AI-based tools and platforms will transform how education is delivered, making learning more accessible, personalized, and effective.

Overall, while AI presents significant opportunities, it also poses challenges that require careful consideration. The future will likely be shaped by how we harness AI's potential while addressing its ethical, societal, and economic implications.

The future of AI holds great promise and potential across various domains. Here are some key aspects of what the future might hold for AI:

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On June 22, Orthodox Christians observe Trinity Parents' Saturday, also known as Ecumenical Parents' Saturday. This day commemorates departed relatives and all deceased Christians, preceding the celebration of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity feast marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles fifty days after Christ's Resurrection, enabling them to preach in diverse languages and marking the birth of the Church.

Trinity Saturday rituals include prayers for all departed souls, including those who passed without forgiveness, such as suicides, who typically do not receive church funeral services. These prayers aim to ease the journey of Christians in the afterlife.

Customs and Practices:

Families traditionally attend church on Trinity Saturday to pray and light candles for their loved ones and all departed Orthodox Christians. They visit cemeteries to tend graves, adorning them with birch branches and flowers, symbolizing renewal and the Trinity. Giving alms and performing acts of kindness in memory of the deceased are also customary ways to honor their memory.

The day is spent with family around a table, reminiscing about departed relatives with fond memories and sharing Lenten dishes. It is a time to celebrate their lives joyfully rather than mournfully.

However, noisy parties with excessive alcohol consumption are discouraged, along with swearing, lying, or engaging in heavy physical labor or idleness. In old Russian tradition, it was believed that deceased relatives might appear in dreams on the night of Trinity Parents' Saturday, offering guidance.

Weather Signs:

According to folklore, weather signs on Trinity Saturday are believed to foretell future events:

- A rainbow signifies health within the family.

- Rain suggests a plentiful harvest of mushrooms and berries.

- Dry, hot weather predicts drought and potential crop failure.

- Heavy dew indicates early frost conditions.

Trinity Parents' Saturday: according to tradition, this day predicts the outlook for the latter half of summer.

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Yesterday, a disturbing video circulated widely online. It depicted Ukrainian MP Nikolai Tishchenko and possibly his associates involved in an altercation with a serviceman who was out with his young child. The public response was swift and condemning, with celebrities and media figures joining in to denounce the deputy's actions.

RBC-Ukraine (Styler project) compiled outraged comments from Ukrainian celebrities regarding the incident.

Details of the Situation:

The conflict occurred in Dnieper on June 20 between Nikolai Tishchenko and volunteer Dmitry Pavlov, known as “Son.” Tishchenko stated he was in the city to investigate reports of fraudulent activities by bot farms and call centers.

During Tishchenko's visit, an altercation erupted involving his security personnel, leading to the police initiating two criminal cases.

Alexander Teren's Reaction:

The new "bachelor" expressed strong disapproval of Tishchenko's actions on his Instagram stories. Alexander referred to the MP as a "cutlet" and asserted that individuals like Nikolai and his team have no place in society.

Vladimir Dantes' Response:

Singer Vladimir Dantes also reacted vehemently, using strong language to criticize the deputy's security team on Instagram. He labeled them as "damned devils" and stressed the need for national leadership to intervene in the situation.

Dasha Astafieva's Commentary:

Singer Dasha Astafieva swiftly addressed the incident on her Instagram stories. Her messages were succinct and resolute, urging followers to spread awareness and emphasizing that such incidents should not occur in the country.

Eugene Yanovich's Perspective:

Presenter and actor Eugene Yanovich sharply condemned the actions of Tishchenko's security team on his social media. Initially sarcastic in his remarks towards Nikolai, Eugene later used explicit language to underscore his disapproval. He referred to Tishchenko as an "Internet meme" and accused him of political impracticality, echoing the call for decisive action.

Ramina Eshakzai's Reaction:

In her Instagram stories, presenter Ramina Eshakzai labeled Tishchenko's entourage a "circus." She expressed a desire for those involved in the incident to face consequences and be removed from their positions.

"We need culture here, not the 'jackal express,'" Ramina bluntly concluded.

Celebrity responses to the Tishchenko scandal involving his security, known as "Jackal Express,"

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Today, on June 21, Hamster Kombat introduces new combo cards that can boost your capital by 5 million coins in this cryptocurrency gaming world. Hamster Kombat stands out for its unique gameplay and strategic opportunities, capturing the interest of millions worldwide and offering both entertainment and substantial financial rewards, according to NBN reports.

These new combo cards are crucial for enhancing your virtual assets. They become available daily at 15:00, providing a limited-time opportunity to collect and utilize them within 24 hours. This article explores the significance of combo cards, their operational mechanics, and essential tips to maximize your earnings in this popular clicker game.

What Sets Hamster Kombat Apart?

Hamster Kombat not only entertains but also challenges players strategically. Earnings from gameplay can enhance exchange performance and yield profits from $HMSTR tokens upon their market debut, highlighting one of the many avenues for monetary gain within the game, as noted by NBN.

Fundamental Gameplay Mechanics

The game offers diverse strategies for accumulating points and engaging with fellow players. The primary objective involves clicking on a hamster to accrue points, which are then utilized to upgrade the exchange. These elements of strategy and interaction contribute to the game's depth and appeal.

The Role of Combo Cards

Combo cards play a pivotal role in Hamster Kombat by offering an additional 5,000,000 coins when used effectively. To avail of this bonus, players must collect specific card sets valid for 24 hours. New combinations are unveiled daily at 15:00, emphasizing the importance of seizing the opportunity promptly.

New Combo Cards Released Today

Today, on June 21, the latest set of combo cards will debut at 15:00. This pack includes three cards that can be purchased following the specified time.

Using Combo Cards

Utilizing combo cards in Hamster Kombat is straightforward:

1. Open Telegram on your device.

2. Locate the Hamster Kombat bot.

3. Navigate to the "Mine" section and select one of the tabs: "Markets," "Legal," "PR & Team," or "Specials."

4. Purchase the desired card from the current combination and repeat for all cards in the set.

5. Upon completing the purchase, receive confirmation of the transaction. Occasionally, additional tasks such as subscribing to a YouTube channel or inviting friends may be required to acquire certain cards.

Tips for Maximizing Combo Card Use

- Upgrade cards to "Level 1+" to unlock the coveted 5 million coins.

- Avoid spending all coins at once, especially if your cards are already well-upgraded, to ensure resources for future purchases.

- If cards are not visible in the "Mine" tab, refresh the page by clicking the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen.

- Utilize daily Morse code features in Hamster Kombat to earn an additional 1 million coins.

Future Developments in Hamster Kombat

Hamster Kombat continues to evolve with ongoing updates and new features. Future plans include expanding earning opportunities, refining gameplay mechanics, and enhancing social interactions among players.

Development and Token Listing

The development team remains proactive, with plans to list HMSTR tokens soon. Several exchanges are considered for listing, including Binance, OKX, Bybit, Bingx,, and WhiteBit, each known for their respective strengths in cryptocurrency trading.

Explore Other Income Opportunities

In addition to Hamster Kombat, explore these projects for earning money online without initial investment:

- PixelVerse

- Bloom

- TapSwap

- MemeFi

- Harvest MOON

- Click Arbuz

- Catizen

- Near Wallet

- Wormfare

- Avacoin

Don't miss out on acquiring today's new combo cards in Hamster Kombat to significantly boost your virtual assets!

New Hamster Kombat combo cards released on June 21: Which ones should you purchase?

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A leaked photo of the protective mask for France national team player Kylian Mbappe ahead of their Group D Euro 2024 match against the Netherlands has surfaced online. Mbappe himself shared the image on his Instagram account.

The French striker sustained a broken nose during a previous match against Austria, which will see him starting on the bench against the Netherlands.

Previously, Mbappe trained wearing a mask designed in the colors of the French flag. However, UEFA regulations stipulate that the matchday mask must be a single color.

The match between the Netherlands and France is scheduled to kick off at 22:00 Kyiv time on June 21st.

A photo of the mask that Mbappe will wear during the Euro match against the Netherlands has been revealed.

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The train company has announced additional services for the upcoming concert at Bellahouston Park on Tuesday, June 25th.

Celebrating 30 years since their debut album release, punk-rock legends will headline The Saviors Tour, supported by Nothing But Thieves and Maid Of Ace.

With a large turnout expected, ScotRail will run extra late-night trains from Dumbreck, the nearest station to Bellahouston Park, ensuring fans can return to Glasgow Central after the event.

To accommodate these additional services, starting from 10pm, trains on the Paisley Canal line will operate exclusively between Glasgow Central and Dumbreck.

Replacement buses will run between Glasgow Central and Paisley Canal, stopping at Mosspark, Crookston, and Hawkhead.

Due to event-related road closures, the replacement bus service will not stop at Dumbreck or Corkerhill.

ScotRail encourages concert-goers to plan their journey in advance and check for any updates.

Phil Campbell, ScotRail's customer operations director, commented: “We want everyone attending the Green Day concert at Bellahouston Park to have a fantastic evening. We’re pleased to offer additional services from Dumbreck station to Glasgow Central after the event.

“We advise concert-goers to head to the station promptly after the concert, as the last trains of the night will depart shortly thereafter.

“To ensure a smooth journey, we recommend purchasing return tickets before boarding.”

ScotRail announcement ahead Glasgow Green Day gig

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Gloucestershire Cricket is deeply saddened to announce that its former player and current President, David ‘Syd’ Lawrence, has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.

The 60-year-old former England international, who earned five Test caps for his country, received the diagnosis earlier this month following a series of tests. Born and raised in Gloucester, Syd played 280 matches for his home county between 1981 and 1997, achieving 625 wickets during his career at Nevil Road.

Syd, a beloved figure among Gloucestershire and wider England fans, was appointed Club President in April 2022. Despite his diagnosis, he has expressed his determination to fulfill his role as President at Gloucestershire.

David and his wife, Gaynor, are grateful for the overwhelming support they have received and will continue to receive from friends and family. While devastated by the diagnosis, David is resolved to battle the disease and has extended his gratitude to the Club, the PCA, and the Hornsby Trust for their unwavering support during this challenging time.

Will Brown, outgoing Chief Executive at Gloucestershire Cricket, said: “The entire Club is devastated by the news of David Lawrence's MND diagnosis. David is not only a cricketing icon and club legend but also a trailblazer as the first British-born Black player to represent England. He is a person of immense kindness, love, and inspiration to all of us at Gloucestershire.

“Working with him since he became Club President has been both an incredible and humbling experience. He has opened doors we didn’t know existed, taught us invaluable lessons, and become a friend to many of us. That friendship is incredibly special and cherished by all of us.

“Our thoughts and love go out to David, Gaynor, and their entire family and circle of friends.”

Ian Thomas, Managing Director of Member Services at the PCA, added: “The PCA is deeply shocked by the tragic news concerning David Lawrence. Throughout his cricketing and post-cricket career, David has been an inspiration, and we have no doubt that he will continue to demonstrate his determination in his battle against MND.

“The PCA and the Professional Cricketers’ Trust, the players’ charity, will stand by David and, importantly, his family, offering our utmost support.”

At the request of David, Gaynor, and their family, Gloucestershire kindly asks for privacy during this time as David comes to terms with his diagnosis.

David ‘Syd’ Lawrence, a former player for Gloucestershire and England, has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.

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The highest hospital admission rate for confirmed COVID-19 continues to be in those aged over 85 years

Hospital admissions for confirmed COVID-19 remain highest among those aged over 85 years, reaching 34.70 per 100,000, following the identification of a new Covid variant.

Scientists have issued a warning about the emergence of the KP.3 variant in early April, part of the FLiRT group of Covid-19 variants. These variants, including KP.1.1, KP.3, and KP.2, collectively account for 40 per cent of all Covid cases in the UK as of April 2024, according to data from the UK Health Security Agency.

KP.2 initially drove infections in May before KP.3 took over, nearly doubling UK infections to 44 per cent within two weeks. KP.2’s share has since decreased to 22 per cent. Hospital admissions rose by 24 per cent in the week leading up to Sunday, climbing from 2.67 to 3.31 people per 100,000, according to UKHSA figures.

While the highest hospital admission rates persist among those aged over 85 years, increases have also been observed in age groups between 65-74 years, 75-84 years, and younger demographics.

The decline in population immunity has contributed to the variant's spread. Professor Lawrence Young, a virologist at Warwick University, emphasized that Covid is not a seasonal infection, warning of a potential summer wave: “This is a wake-up call. The virus hasn’t disappeared and isn’t confined to certain seasons.”

Revised headline: "Emerging Covid Variant Linked to Surge in UK Hospitalizations, Highlighting Unusual Symptoms"

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In “The Secret of Us,” Abrams explores a myriad of themes, from heartache and longing to self-discovery and empowerment. The album opens with "Whirlwind," a track that sets the tone with its haunting melodies and poignant lyrics. Here, Abrams' voice resonates with vulnerability and strength, drawing listeners into her world.

Tracks like "Lost and Found" and "Midnight Confessions" exemplify Abrams’ knack for creating intimate yet universal songs. Her lyrics, candid and unflinching, reflect a journey of emotional resilience. The production, a blend of ethereal synths and grounding acoustics, complements her vocal delivery, adding layers of depth to each song.

“Falling Stars” stands out with its infectious energy, showcasing a more upbeat side of Abrams while still retaining her signature introspective touch. The song's driving beat and catchy chorus make it a standout anthem for those navigating the complexities of relationships.

In “The Secret of Us,” Abrams doesn’t shy away from experimenting with her sound. “Chaos Theory,” for instance, combines electronic elements with organic instrumentation, creating a sonic landscape that mirrors the album’s thematic exploration of finding order in disorder.

The album’s closing track, “Rebirth,” is a poignant reminder of Abrams' growth as an artist. With its minimalist arrangement and heartfelt lyrics, it encapsulates the essence of the album – finding strength and beauty amidst the chaos.

Gracie Abrams' “The Secret of Us” is a testament to her evolving artistry. It’s an album that finds energy in the chaos, celebrating the messiness of life and love with unfiltered honesty and creativity.

Singer-songwriter Gracie Abrams indulges in a crush on “Risk,” the lead single from her dynamic and poignant sophomore album, “The Secret of Us.”

“I heard the risk is drowning / But I’m gonna take it,” she croons over a rapid acoustic guitar, her vocals intensifying as the production builds. “Watch this be the wrong thing,” she exclaims in the chorus.

The track unveils a mature yet familiar side of Abrams. The 24-year-old artist has previously invited listeners into her personal reflections, but “The Secret of Us” offers a more intimate and unrestrained approach. Here, her songs unfold in real-time, evolving and dissipating within the album’s narrative.

This immersive experience is crafted through collaborative production by Abrams, longtime collaborator Aaron Dessner, co-writer Audrey Hobert, and features from Taylor Swift and producer Jack Antonoff.

The standout “Blowing Smoke” confronts a past flame with biting lyrics set against acoustic guitar and escalating electric instrumentation, capturing Abrams’ frustration.

On “Let it Happen,” she belts out affirmations of self-discovery, while “Tough Love” transitions from whispered introspection on a Boston-bound train to a euphoric declaration: “I know now what I’m leaving for.”

Bonus track “Close to You,” produced by Sam de Jong and reworked after a viral clip, channels a pop sensibility reminiscent of Lorde and Ellie Goulding’s hits from the 2010s, revealing another facet of Abrams’ artistry.

The urgent melodies and breathless bridges throughout the album mark a departure from Abrams’ earlier, more wistful and anxious “sad girl” pop style.

Tracks like “Risk,” “Blowing Smoke,” and “us. (feat. Taylor Swift)” exemplify her newfound persona most vividly, reflecting a period of growth between projects that included a Grammy nomination and extensive touring.

The album’s centerpiece is “us. (feat. Taylor Swift),” where their voices intertwine over a dreamy acoustic backdrop created by Dessner and Antonoff, harmonizing on the album’s theme: “I felt it, you held it, do you miss us, us? / Wonder if you regret the secret of us.”

Swift’s feature serves as a validation of Abrams’ artistry. While references to sonnets and Robert Bly might evoke Swift’s literary influences, the track remains distinctly Abrams, blending youthful introspection with thoughtful angst about unrequited love.

“The Secret of Us” paints a portrait of an artist in flux, exploring creative passions and navigating young adulthood. By inviting listeners into her journey—complete with frustrations, vulnerabilities, and turbulent infatuations—Abrams emerges as a confident and dynamic performer, paving the way for an exciting future in music.

Gracie Abrams' latest album, “The Secret of Us,” showcases her remarkable ability to transform personal turmoil into electrifying music. Embracing an uninhibited style, Abrams dives deep into the chaos of her emotions, crafting an album that is both raw and invigorating.

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Strawberry-linden blossom compote makes a divine topping for a slab of vanilla-buttermilk pound cake.

Heather Arndt Anderson / OPB

Welcome to this week's Superabundant dispatch! We have a delightful recipe for you: Strawberry-Linden Blossom Compote paired with Vanilla-Buttermilk Shortcake. Plus, don't miss out on this week's curated news bites to keep you informed and entertained.

 Recipe: Strawberry-Linden Blossom Compote with Vanilla-Buttermilk Shortcake

Indulge in the perfect summer dessert with a fresh strawberry and linden blossom compote, served over fluffy vanilla-buttermilk shortcakes. The combination of sweet, floral notes and rich, creamy flavors is sure to delight your taste buds.


**For the Compote:**

- 2 cups fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced

- 1 cup linden blossoms (or a few drops of linden blossom extract)

- 1/2 cup sugar

- 1 tbsp lemon juice

**For the Shortcake:**

- 2 cups all-purpose flour

- 1/4 cup sugar

- 1 tbsp baking powder

- 1/2 tsp baking soda

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1/2 cup cold butter, cubed

- 3/4 cup buttermilk

- 1 tsp vanilla extract


1. **Prepare the Compote:**

   - In a medium saucepan, combine the strawberries, linden blossoms, sugar, and lemon juice.

   - Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the strawberries release their juices and the mixture thickens slightly, about 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.

2. **Make the Shortcake:**

   - Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

   - In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

   - Cut in the cold butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

   - Stir in the buttermilk and vanilla extract until just combined. Do not overmix.

   - Drop the dough by large spoonfuls onto the prepared baking sheet.

   - Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the shortcakes are golden brown. Let cool slightly on a wire rack.

3. **Assemble:**

   - Split the shortcakes in half horizontally.

   - Spoon the strawberry-linden blossom compote over the bottom halves, then top with the remaining halves.

   - Serve immediately, and enjoy!

### This Week’s News Nibbles:

**1. Culinary Innovations:**

Discover the latest trends in the culinary world, from new sustainable farming techniques to the rise of plant-based gourmet cuisine.

**2. Local Farm Spotlight:**

Meet a local farmer who’s making waves with organic produce and community-driven agriculture initiatives.

**3. Health and Wellness:**

Learn about the benefits of incorporating seasonal fruits and flowers, like strawberries and linden blossoms, into your diet.

**4. Foodie Events:**

Check out upcoming food festivals, cooking classes, and farmer's markets in your area.

**5. Recipe Roundup:**

Explore a collection of summer recipes to make the most of this season’s bounty.

Stay tuned for more delicious recipes and interesting tidbits in next week’s Superabundant dispatch!

**Superabundant Dispatch: Strawberry-Linden Blossom Compote with Vanilla-Buttermilk Shortcake and This Week’s News Nibbles**

**Eating Trees to Save the Bees and How to Use Up All Those Berries You Bought**

OPB’s “Superabundant” delves into the stories behind the foods of the Pacific Northwest with engaging videos, articles, and this weekly newsletter. Each week, Heather Arndt Anderson, a Portland-based culinary historian, food writer, and ecologist, highlights different facets of the region’s food ecosystem. This week, she offers a recipe for a moist buttermilk shortcake with strawberry-linden blossom compote.

**Click here to subscribe. For previous stories, go here.**

As we wrap up Pollinator Week, we honor the industrious bees that bring so much abundance to our region with a special treat: a zhuzhed-up strawberry shortcake. The floral fragrance of a perfectly ripe strawberry is unparalleled, except, possibly, for that of a linden tree on the summer solstice. Collaboration, not competition, is key! Combine these two June exemplars, preferably with whipped cream and a vanilla-buttermilk pound cake. Though you can use almost any kind of cake, we love the simplicity of this pound cake — even if it’s not a true pound cake. 🤫 Want to know why? Read on!

**Camas Crops, Inherited Coffee Cravings, Summer Meals for School Kids, a Chat with Akkapong Ninsom, and Good Things in Markets, Gardens, and Kitchens**

**The Long History of Camas Cultivation in the Northwest**

Early anthropologists might have thought Indigenous Pacific Northwesterners were strictly hunter-gatherers, but growing evidence suggests that wild plant populations were carefully managed in agricultural ways. A recent Oregon State University study substantiates this, indicating that camas — a starchy, sweet root vegetable and important trade commodity — has been managed with controlled burns for 3,000 to 4,000 years.

**Coffee Cravings Have a Genetic Component**

“Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” could be hereditary, according to a new study comparing genetic data from 23andMe samples in the U.S. and UK. Coffee, part of the American and British diets for only a few hundred years, appears tied to genetic precursors for substance use and obesity, suggesting behavior is hereditary.

**Watch the Coffee episode of “Superabundant.”**

**Summer Food Service for Oregon School Kids**

With school cafeterias closed for the summer, many low-income families struggle to feed their growing kids. Thankfully, the Oregon Department of Education ensures that kids aged 1 to 18 will have free meals over the summer, with no paperwork required. To find a pick-up site near you, visit the USDA’s Summer Meals Site Finder, call 211 for assistance, or text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304.

**LangBaan Chef on “All Things Considered”**

OPB’s “All Things Considered” host (and Superabundant narrator) Crystal Ligori spoke with Portland chef and restaurateur Akkapong “Earl” Ninsom last week to discuss his recent James Beard Award win. Listen to it here.

**Good Things in Markets**

Welcome to our new segment, “welp, you’ve really stepped in it now — you impulse-bought three entire flats of [ ].” This week’s installment: local strawberries. OPB’s associate director of audience development, Robyn El Kay, faced this very dilemma. “I ended up composting a couple of pints. I had no idea the half-life on strawberries was like 48 hours.”

If you’re in a bind like Robyn, remember you can freeze them for later. Frozen berries are great for smoothies, jam, and baking. You can also make strawberry vodka by steeping them in vodka and shaking daily for a week. Use the boozy berries in sugar to dehydrate for later. And, of course, try them in this week’s recipe.

**Watch the Strawberry episode of “Superabundant.”**

Local cherries are now in season, though the recent rains may affect their sweetness. Raspberries are still fragrant and plentiful. Garlic scapes are also available — if you grow hardneck garlic, you can snip your own, helping the bulbs grow fatter.

**In the “Superabundant” Garden This Week**

Lindens are blooming, and we’ve been collecting blossoms to add floral sweetness to teas, fruit jams, and syrups. Jonathan Kaufmann reminded us that wild fennel fronds are ready for plucking. If your local plants are blooming, try capturing some fennel pollen. Pop a bag over the flowering heads and shake to collect a small jarful.

Tomatillos and ground cherries are blooming, having volunteered from fallen fruit left in the beds last summer. This self-sowing propensity is why we take a laid-back approach to fall garden cleanup, benefiting garden invertebrates — an important reminder during Pollinator Week! Our radicchio is bolting, so we’re hoping for viable seeds.

**Lately, in the “Superabundant” Kitchen**

✨ We made room for garden loganberries and raspberries by using three rotisserie chicken carcasses to make stock, then pressure-canned the stock to save freezer space.

✨ We tried making meatloaf parm — everything you love about meatballs but in a loaf! Although it looked messy with mozzarella oozing out, it was delicious on garlic bread.

A friend gave us a tub of maple sugar, which we used to caramelize bacon in the toaster oven. The maple-sugared bacon was spectacular on brioche French toast for brunch.

**Recipe: Buttermilk Pound Cake with Strawberry-Linden Blossom Compote**

Strawberries are usually a late spring fruit, but Oregon strawberry season is still going strong with day-neutral varieties like Seascape and Albion. Linden blossoms, however, have a narrow gathering window. They perfume Portland with small white blossoms, but also attract aphids, which can lead to conflicts resolved with pesticides. This perfect storm has been linked to bumblebee die-offs.

To help, pick linden blossoms and turn them into dessert. Dried for tea, they’re used in blends by Steven Smith Teamaker and others. You can make liqueurs, syrups, jellies, and granitas or macerate them with berries in sugar to lavish over cakes and whipped cream. Serves 4-6.

**Note:** This is not technically a pound cake (traditionally made with a pound each of butter, eggs, sugar, and flour) but yields a moist, tender crumb similar to a sponge cake with a buttermilk twang. Baking it in a loaf pan gives it a pound cake feel, but you can bake it as a sheet cake, bundt, round, or in a muffin tin (adjust baking time accordingly). Leftover cake is wonderful with jam for breakfast or tea or cubed and toasted for topping ice cream.

**Enjoy your strawberry-linden blossom compote with vanilla-buttermilk shortcake and stay tuned for more delicious recipes and interesting tidbits in next week’s Superabundant dispatch!**

Superabundant Dispatch: Strawberry-Linden Blossom Compote with Vanilla-Buttermilk Shortcake and This Week’s News Nibbles*

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Jessica Alba makes a strong return to the screen in Netflix’s new action-packed thriller, "Trigger Warning." This film showcases Alba’s enduring star power, as she takes on a gritty and intense role that keeps audiences engaged from start to finish.

"Trigger Warning" centers on Alba’s character, a traumatized veteran navigating a dangerous path filled with high-stakes encounters and moral dilemmas. Alba’s performance is both compelling and layered, bringing depth to a story that explores themes of redemption, resilience, and the human cost of violence.

The film's action sequences are well-executed and thrilling, providing plenty of adrenaline-pumping moments. The choreography and special effects are top-notch, elevating the film above typical genre fare. Director Mouly Surya brings a fresh perspective to the action genre, infusing the narrative with emotional weight and complexity.

Supporting performances are also strong, adding to the film’s overall impact. The cast delivers solid performances, contributing to the film’s gripping atmosphere and enhancing the storyline’s tension.

Overall, "Trigger Warning" is a solid action vehicle for Jessica Alba, marking a notable return for the actress. With its blend of intense action, emotional depth, and Alba’s standout performance, this Netflix offering is a must-watch for action thriller fans.

Jessica Alba has been relatively absent from the screen in recent years. The once ubiquitous star, who appeared in 13 films between 2007 and 2010, took a step back from movies, featuring in just two films between 2018 and 2024. During this hiatus, she focused on motherhood and her eco-friendly brand, The Honest Company, which at its peak was valued at $1 billion, justifying her break from Hollywood.

After stepping down as COO, Alba launched her own production company and now returns with her first leading role since 2016’s little-seen horror film, "The Veil." Her new project, "Trigger Warning," is a Netflix action movie—a savvy choice given her 2000s fame and Netflix’s knack for turning familiar faces into streaming hits. The film is likely to resonate with viewers who enjoy the latest Adam Sandler and Jennifer Lopez offerings, especially during a quiet weekend for new cinema releases.

"Trigger Warning," positioned as a potential franchise starter, was ambitiously compared to "Rambo" and "John Wick" when it was announced in 2016. This film provides Alba with substantial screen time, a rare opportunity in today’s theatrical landscape. She stars as Parker, a special forces commando who returns to her hometown following her father’s suspicious death, which she believes was murder. The film features a cast of shady characters, including Anthony Michael Hall’s ultra-conservative senator, his trigger-happy son, and local criminals.

The movie pays homage to 80s action flicks, evident in a scene referencing a Chuck Norris movie. The script, crafted by John Brancato, Josh Olson, and Halley Gross, is a straightforward 80s action formula with some modern touches. While "Trigger Warning" could benefit from a more thoughtful script, it remains engaging and occasionally touches on politically interesting themes. Unlike its Reagan-era predecessors, the film is pro-military yet critical of racist and regressive politics. Hall’s right-wing politician is a villain not just for his actions but for his beliefs, with the ultimate antagonists being white male domestic terrorists.

Although "Trigger Warning" doesn’t delve into deeply smart or noteworthy territory, it channels election year anger into Alba’s revenge mission. Directed by Indonesian filmmaker Mouly Surya, the film marks her English-language debut. Alba, often critiqued for her acting, excels in this role, convincingly performing hand-to-hand combat scenes and exuding old-fashioned movie star charisma.

While "Trigger Warning" serves as a straightforward reintroduction to Alba, it’s effective. The film might not leave a lasting impression, much like Netflix’s numerous romcoms, but it’s an entertaining choice for a Friday night watch, even if it fades from memory by Sunday.

The actor makes a decent bid for action stardom with her first movie in five years, a derivative yet watchable attempt to kick off a new franchise

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